Friday, October 17, 2014

Some extra notes, part III

Lesson Three: Skills catch-up. 

Purpose: After looking over the students’ homework and quizzes, I was concerned that many of you were not yet fully at ease with analyzing of text. This lesson was geared toward reviewing and practicing a basic approach to analyzing text. 

1. Reflect on the following questions based on the quotes below:
  • Do you believe that humans are by nature good or evil? 
  • How does this affect the amount of autonomy they should have in order to live productively? 
  • Explain, based on your answer, whether you conclude that maximum autonomy is a good thing or a bad thing. 

Hobbes: The state of nature is a state of war. No morality exists. Everyone lives in constant fear of his/her neighbors.
Rousseau: The state of nature is one of freedom and equality. Humans are, in their purest state, “noble savages.” 

**The remainder of this lesson centered around how to approach a text and analyze it critically. I have discussed this topic at greater length in a previous blog post. Please read and study it if you have not already done so. 

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