Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Quiz review!

Vocabulary (Be prepared to explain these concepts and use each word in a sentence, as well as compare/contrast concepts if necessary):

*Collective vs. Individual

*Autonomy vs. Freedom

*Human Nature

*Greater Good


Review the hierarchy of limitations (fill in inverted triangle and be able to explain how these tiers ultimately affect personal autonomy)

Be able to explain: how does autonomy relate to morality? Consider the need for limitations to autonomy based on how moral or immoral a person is in his/her natural state. This relates to the question we addressed in class: are humans, by nature, good or evil? Etc.

You will be given a brief excerpt from a text, and will be asked to answer questions about it. You will be expected to provide underlining, analysis, and text-supported responses. We spoke about this in class as an important strategy for completing text-based assignments, and I have also provided a note-taking review here on this website (see previous posts). 

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