Friday, October 3, 2014

Clarification of corrections policy.

I have gathered that many of you seem mystified by the corrections policy. Let me explain. 

I encourage you to make corrections on homework, classwork, or quizzes in order to raise your grade and to learn from previous mistakes. You may do this to recoup a maximum of half the points originally deducted. 

For example: Let's say you received a 5/15 (33%) on a quiz. 10 points were deducted from the highest grade possible (15), which means you have the ability to make up a maximum of 5 points (ie: half of 10) if you do corrections and receive complete marks for each of them. You would then be left with a grade of 10/15 (67%), which is a significant improvement, especially when it comes to tallying up your marks for the report card. 

****PLEASE NOTE: You have ONE WEEK to complete corrections on a given assignment/quiz starting from the day that it is returned to you in class. Once this week has passed, you have missed your opportunity to do corrections on the assignment in question.

The reasons for this policy are as follows: I want you learn how to budget your time and complete the corrections while the material from class is still fresh in your mind, and while we are still covering the same unit relevant to the task. This way, if questions from the homework/classwork/quizzes appear on a test or cumulative quiz, you will have already have strengthened your knowledge of the material and will be better equipped to succeed. 

****PLEASE NOTE (part II): Your corrections must actually be correct in order to receive credit. Simply re-writing answers that don't reflect any work or significant learning on your part will not be considered. 

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